Out Of My Comfort Zone

Steve Waugh is among my favourite cricketers. I just couldn't miss his autobiography. Its pretty expensive but worth every single rupee of it. My respect for the man has grown further. The book has given me a different perspective on how matches are played. Having never played serious cricket and rarely having played it consistently with a bunch of guys, some aspects of the game were totally lost on me. This book helped me that note of these finer elements.
In ten days I could manage to read only one third of this tome. Often get this irresisteble urge to hop on to chapters ahead and have done it sometimes too. I hope somebody makes a mini TV series out of this book. If nobody does, hope I do. I just miss the man in the field so very much.
There is so much character attached to the man. Victory or defeat, pressure or no pressure, he always had that steely, inscrutable look on his face. Makes me remmember what Rudyard Kipling said:
'...If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same
.......you will be a Man my son.'
Autobiographies are about the journey not the end.You have bought the book? Why are you skipping chapters?LOL..Our gentleman is impatient too is it?
You have bought the book?-- Didn't get your question. I mean should have keeping in my mind that I was skipping chapters..dont you think? ;>
Ok...agree I am no gentleman..especially can't call myself one in the same post where Steve Waugh is mentioned...but I know I am some kind of man. :>
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